Rishab Shetty’s Kantara has left Hrithik Roshan, who recently turned heads at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, very impressed. Recently released, the movie received positive reviews from both the public and reviewers. Hrithik has now joined the list of Bollywood stars who have been praising the movie, and used social media to write an admirable tweet about Rishab and his movie.
After watching the movie on Sunday night, Hrithik posted on Twitter that viewing the movie taught him a lot and that the storytelling was excellent. The message said, “Learnt so much by watching #Kantara. The power of @shetty_rishab’s conviction makes the film extraordinary. Top notch storytelling, direction & acting. The peak climax transformation gave me goosebumps. Respect & kudos to the team.”
Soon after he tweeted, Rishab replied, “Thank you so much sir,” followed by some red heart emojis.
Rishab both directed and performed in the movie. Kishore and Sapthami Gowda are featured as well. The Bhoota Kola ritual dance is central to the movie, which is set against the backdrop of coastal Karnataka.