In the upcoming survival thriller series Kaala Paani, Mona Singh and Ashutosh Gowariker team up, doing their best to save citizens from an unidentified, merciless army. The series’ name, Saza-e-Kalapani (black water punishment), was inspired by a punishment term that was first used during the British Raj and refers to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Political prisoners and experienced offenders were punished by being transferred to the isolated Andaman Islands from all around the British Raj.
Watch the trailer:
The experiences of people who find themselves stranded on islands far from the mainland with no imminent aid in the offing are shown in the trailer for survival thriller Kaala Paani. The series is produced by Posham Pa Productions and has a screenplay by Biswapati Sarkar, Amit Golani, Sandeep Saket, and Nimisha Misra. It is directed by Sameer Saxena and Amit Golani. The trailer’s official description is as follows: “Dive into the world of Kaala Paani, where the only way to survive is to improvise, adapt and overcome.”
Kaala Paani stars an ensemble cast including Mona Singh, Ashutosh Gowariker, Amey Wagh, Sukant Goel, Vikas Kumar, Arushi Sharma, Radhika Mehrotra, Chinmay Mandlekar, and Poornima Indrajith. The series will stream on OTT from October 18.