This popular K-drama is about a group of young television producers, Ra Joon Mo, Baek Seung Chan, Tak Ye Jin, and a K-Pop star named Cindy. It focuses on the tiring lives of the people in the entertainment industry who work around the clock to gather experience and excel in their careers. Baek Sung Chan, portrayed by Kim Soo Hyun, accidentally ends up working in the variety department of KBS. He is intelligent but works clumsily and misses out on opportunities. However, as an intern, he strives hard to succeed in the broadcasting industry.
My Love from the Star (2013)
Kim Soo Hyun had a guest role in the successful K-drama Crash Landing On You. He made a cameo appearance as Won Ryu Hwan, who was a North Korean spy deployed to South Korea. While the character was shown only for a few minutes, Soo Hyun’s hilarious acting made audiences adore him. According to a leading Korean media portal, the production crew thanked Kim Soo Hyun for professionally filming his part. They also added that the atmosphere during his shooting was warm and friendly.