Varun Dhawan has taken to social media to drop some shirtless photos, flaunting his physique. In the photos, Varun was accompanied by his ‘rock doll’ which is a figurine of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. For those unversed, the actor has lauded Dwayne time and again on social media and during interviews.
Check out the photos below:
The actor’s ‘rock doll’ has flexed muscles and Varun seem to be copying his pose. Moreover, he used the recently popular song Gulabi Sadi in the background. In the caption, Varun wrote, “I (love) my rock doll. P.S. – I workout on this music.”
On the professional front, Varun will star in Baby John next.
The movie will also star Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, Jackie Shroff, and Rajpal Yadav.