Superstar Rajinikanth is currently shooting for his upcoming movie Coolie, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The excitement is building as the filmmakers have officially introduced Shruti Haasan’s character, Preethi, with a powerful first look. The new poster, which showcases Shruti Haasan in an intense avatar, has fans eagerly awaiting her role in the film.
Kicked to have @shrutihaasan joining the cast of #Coolie as #Preethi ðŸÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’¥ðŸÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’¥
Welcome on board 🔥🔥@rajinikanth sir @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures @PraveenRaja_Off
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) August 30, 2024
In addition to Shruti Haasan, the film’s cast includes well-known actors like Nagarjuna Akkineni, Soubin Shahir, Sathyaraj, and Upendra Rao. Nagarjuna will be portraying the role of Simon, while Soubin plays Dayal.
Rumours are also swirling about a potential cameo by Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, though nothing has been confirmed yet. The film is shaping up to be a star-studded spectacle with a lot of anticipation surrounding it.