The Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani team released a hilarious behind-the-scenes video from the sets on Monday. The video features all of the actors, including Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, Shabana Azmi, and others, as well as director Karan Johar in his hilarious avatar during production. The video’s star, without a doubt, was Jaya Bachchan, who displayed her rare, goofy side.
The video begins with several shots of the actors laughing during their shoot. Karan is also seen singing a different version of Disco Deewane. It also featured Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh dancing and goofing off, despite the fact that she bursts out laughing during the heated argument scene.
It is followed by several scenes in which almost all of the actors said,“Sorry, I forgot my lines,” during takes. Jaya Bachchan is also seen struggling, as she stated, “Why do I get stuck here?” Everyone starts blabbering between their lines, from Alia to Ranveer Singh to Shabana and Tota Roy Chowdhury. Finally, during the Dhindhora scene, Jaya poses intensely, but in an unexpected twist, she is seen being goofy and making faces. For a change, she winks at the camera as someone calls her ‘cute.’